Dr Enli Wang
Chief Research Scientist
CSIRO Agriculture and Food
1.Current Roles
Chief Research Scientist/Professor, leader of soil-plant modelling team in CSIRO
Principal Investigator of multiple internally/externally funded,national/international research projects
Former Editor-in-Chief, nowAssociateEditor, International Journal ofField Crops Research, Elsevier
Leader of AgMIP-Canola, international community of canola multimodel intercomparison & improvement
APSIM Reference Pannel Member, leading APSIM development for enhanced GxExM modelling
Editorial Board Member –Journal of Integrative Agriculture, Elsevier
Invited Reviewer – for leading international journals e.g. Nature Climate Change, Nature Plants, Global Change Biology,NewPhytologist, Plant Physiology, Plant and Soil, Geoderma, Ecological Modelling, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Climatic Change etc.
GxExM modelling: Modelling genotype x environment x management (GxExM) of wheat & barley – better capturing the genetic control of physiological processes for enhanced genotype to phenotype predictions to support breeding selections.
Agro-Ecosystem Eco-Efficiency: Measuring and modelling the productivity, resource use efficiencyand environmental impactsof agro-ecosystems
Carbon & nutrient cycling: Modelling ofwater, carbon and nutrient cycling and greenhouse gas emiisons insoil-plantsystems
Soil Inverse Modelling: Inverse prediction of soil functional properties (e.g. PAWC) with vegetation dynamics from remote sensing combined with climate data
Climate Forecast & Change: Value of seasonal climate forecast and impact of future climate change – assessment and strategy development.