——DNA sequence data: transition from quantitative genetics to quantitative genomics
报告人:Yousry El-Kassaby 教授
时 间:2024年4月19日(星期五)
地 点:园林楼101报告厅
Yousry El-Kassaby 教授,UBC 大学森林资源管理系主任、联合国粮农组织高级协调员、国际林业研究组织联合会 (IUFRO) 森林遗传资源委员会协调员,加拿大《森林研究》杂志副主编,《国际林业研究杂志》编委,是当今最著名的森林遗传学家之一。主要研究领域为森林遗传学,涉及种子园基本理论、遗传多样性与基因筛选、基因组水平育种与实践,目前已经发表超400篇研究论文,提出的BWB林木育种策略受到全球同行的广泛关注。2010年荣获国际林联 (IUFRO) 科学成就奖,该奖项是国际林业研究领域最重要的奖项之一。
The availability of DNA sequencing has instigated a paradigm shift, ushering in the era of quantitative genomics. Traditional quantitative genetics relies on the average numerator relationship (A-matrix), providing global estimates for mating designs’ half-sib (HS = 0.25) and full-sib (FS = 0.5) family members but overlooking the Mendelian sampling term. This omission hinders the estimation of variation among HS and FS family members. In contrast, DNA sequencing data accurately determines the actual fraction of alleles shared among HS and FS family members, enabling the estimation of their realized genomic pairwise kinship (G-matrix), thus capturing their true similarities and differences. The strength of theG-matrix is facilitated through encompassing both contemporary and ancestral pedigree, a pivotal component for accurately determining the realized pairwise kinship among individuals. Acknowledging theG-matrix role as the cornerstone of subsequent quantitative genomics analyses is crucial, emphasizing the need for its proper formation to ensure accurate determination of genetic parameters. In this context, we will introduce various SNP selection protocols to showcase the benefits of incorporating the "best" SNPs in theG-matrix formation. Furthermore, we will compare the impact of SNP selection on variance components inferences and theoretical accuracy of breeding values in two species, one with a large (white spruce) and the other with a small (Eucalyptus) genome.