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Wang Chunguang
Author: Time:2013-10-17 16:37:27

Wang Chunguang, born in Shandong Province, Bachelor of Law & Master of Jurisprudence of Peking University Law School, Is an associate professor of Humantity & Law school, Beijing University of Agriculture. Had been ever a teacher in Law School of Yantai University, Shandong Province, and a Visiting Scholar of Commerce & Law School of Victoria University of Technology, Australia.

Teaching Constitutional Law, Jurisprudence, Rural Social Security Law, and reseaching focused on anti-discrimination in employment & protection of farmers' rights and interests, ever being honored “Outstanding Young Teachers of Beijing in 2006” , and “Excellent Achievements in Philosophy and Social Science, Shandong Province, the third prize”.

Published over 30 academic articles. and the latest book is “Equal Employment: Legislation and Practice of Anti-discrimination in Employment in some countries and areas”.

Email: [email protected], office phone80799490.


Last:Tong Guangfa