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Li Rui
Author: Time:2013-10-17 16:47:32

Rui Li
Associate Professor


Doctor of Laws, Law School of Renmin University of China, 2010-2013

Visiting Scholar, Department of Applied Economics, University of Minnesota 2012-2013

Courses of Teaching

Economic Law, Rural Financial Law, Securities Law, Tax law, Study Law Through Cases

Research Areas

Economic Law, Rural Financial Law, fiscal& taxation law


Associate professor Li has published over 20 academic articles in periodicals such as Law Science Magazine and Social Science, etc. Besides, she has published three monographs, including A Study on the Protection of Landless Peasants.


Associate professor Li has been awarded Excellent Moral Educator of Beijing Universities from Beijing Municipal Commission Education, Model for Educating Students Award from Beijing Municipal Commission of Education, and Model for Educating Students Award from Beijing University of Agriculture. In addition, she has awarded Second Prize of Beijing Young College Teachers Basic Teaching Skills Competition from Beijing Municipal Commission of Education, Third Prize of Multimedia Courseware Competition from Beijing Municipal Commission of Education, etc.


[email protected]

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