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Tong Zhanjun
Author: Time:2013-10-17 16:41:12

Zhanjun Tong

(1)Personal Information

ZhanJun Tong, male, born in 1973.His native place is Xingcheng City,Liaoning Province,P.R.China. He is a professor majored in law and supervisor of postgraduate at College of Humanities and Law of Beijing University of Agriculture.

He is the dean of College of Humanities and Law of Beijing University of Agriculture, also serves as the chairman of Agriculture Law Research Center of Beijing Metropolitan Agriculture Academy and the vice-chairman of Beijing Research Base for New Countryside Building. He is the vice-chairman of Beijing Rural Areas Law Research Council, the director of Chinese society of international economic law and the director of China International Economic and Trade Law Society. He is also a specialist director of ChangPing District Administrative Reconsideration Committee, Beijing. He passed the National Lawyer Qualification Examination in 1997, then serves as a part-time lawyer.

He graduated from Law School of Jilin University in 1996 with a Bachelor of Law, and then he continued his study and received a master degree in economic law in 1999. After that, he got doctor's degree in international law from Law School of Tsinghua University. Then he was enrolled as post-doctor at University of International Business and Economics. He was trained at Haber - Adams University in June 2004, and then he studied at the University of Minnesota in the United States as a visiting scholar since October 2006.

(2)Main Research Areas

His main research areas are agricultural economic law, international economic law, contract law, and so on.

He came to Beijing University of Agriculture in 1999 July, gives lectures on "agricultural product international trade law", "contract law", "economic law" and other professional courses, and teaches "international business law" in English at the International College for the joint education program with Haber - Adams University. He was presented with Beijing 2009-2012 Teaching Achievement Award of Higher Education (second award).

He is now in charge of a philosophy and social science research program from the Ministry of Education, a research program from China Law Society, a research program for excellent young teachers from Beijing Education Committee and so on. He also participates in the national social science fund research program and other several research programs.

(3)Representative Achievement

Zhanjun Tong. The Application of Rules of Countervailing and the Principle of Nationality Treatment Under WTO.Economic Survey. 2009(5). (CSSCI)

Zhanjun Tong. Discussion on the Rules of American Trade Adjustment Assistance for Farmers.Studies in Law and Business. 2009(6). (CSSCI)

Zhanjun Tong.Discussion on Abstract and Concrete Civil Legal Relationships.Journal of Capital Normal University. 2010(2). (CSSCI)

Zhanjun Tong.2010.Economic Law.Second Edition. Beijing: Intellectual Property Press.

Zhanjun Tong.2012.The Establishment Right in International Investment. Beijing: Law Press.

(4)Contact Information

 Email:[email protected]



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